My friends have found me a bit addicted to a Google site called Dodgeball. I haven't done so well in the rankings in past months (Alex has me beat!!), but the service has a special place in my heart (was it the front page photo in mid-August?).

Anyway, before I get too far off topic... today's "Features on the :40's" segment on Newsradio 750 KXL in Portland, Oregon (and online at KXL.com) was about Dodgeball. Listen here: kxl_techexpert-dodgeball_20061030.mp3
And speaking of my weekly tech show... If you have ideas for topics you'd like to see covered, let me know. :) (Tech related -- please -- I can't help with your relationship problems and my investment advice is rubbish!)
Enjoy and thanks for listening (for yet another week)... ;-)