Monday, June 9, 2008

iPhone 3G: Half-price (sorta), 2X Speed, adds GPS

It's official!

Perhaps the worst-kept secret in the history of product launches made its debut on the stage at Apple's World-Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco today. The phone that took the world by storm a year ago has finally met its match: iPhone 3G.

Sporting a built-in GPS receiver, extended battery life and a faster 3G data connection, the new phone is expected to win over new iPhone adopters and those looking for an upgrade. An iPhone 3G is half the price of the previous model at $199 for an 8GB version in black and $299 for double the memory available in black or white. The phone goes on sale Friday, July 11.

Update: With the iPhone 3G, the AT&T data plan goes from $20 to $30/month. So doing the math, $10 extra * 24 months = $240 over the two-year contract... the basic model is $199, add in the $240 and you're back where you started. That said I -- I suspect like many eager buyers -- will be happy to pay the $10 extra for faster data speeds, but it's definitely something to consider.

We'll keep an eye on additional details on the phone, and related accessories, including a complete wrap-up of today's announcements on this blog and on Newsradio 750 KXL.

Are you planning to upgrade? Have you been waiting for the new iPhone 3G? What feature are you most excited about? Send your comments to techexpert (AT) brianwestbrook (DOT) com.

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