This might be why I fell in love with Twitter. The requirement to get to the point in less than 140 characters mandates brevity. With this abbreviated burst of communication, my ADD-esque distraction tendencies, and my naturally snarky sense of dialogue, Twitter is perhaps the most perfect medium for me (@BMW).
It comes, then, as no surprise (to me anyway) that my short, to-the-point entry into the 140 | The Twitter Conference T-shirt contest for free conference admission (and, of course bragging rights), announced in early April. The contest rules simple:
come up with a better phrase for the back of the T-shirt, win a free seat at the conference
Apparently, my entry:
Was exactly the sort of cleverness judges (event speakers as I understand) were looking for.
For me, it was just another day fit into 140 character updates.
My contest submission, in entirety:

Learn more about the event, May 26th & 27th, 2009 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.

From the "140" site:
"We’re bringing together the top gurus in the Twitosphere to discuss all things Twitter, from understanding the business value of Twitter to exploring the what makes a great Twitter app."
Simple as that! Now, who's going? Guess I am now!
I liked your entry and one other the best ("Follow Me Back"). Congratulations. Will love wearing that on my back. I'm also going so see you at 140tc!
Hi Brian, Sending you congratulations Re: #tshirt winner.
For losers? Or those of us who found out about this contest too late?
In fun,
Ellen Kimball
(Volunteer entertainment reviewer at
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